Quien trabaja para Scrooge?

¿Quién trabaja para Scrooge?

Su escribiente, llamado Bob Cratchit, seguía trabajando hasta tarde aunque era noche de Navidad. Scrooge le dijo que al día siguiente de la cena de Nochebuena tendría que llegar más temprano a la oficina para recuperar el día festivo.

¿Qué espectáculo presencia Scrooge al marcharse el espectro de Marley?

El fantasma de las Navidades Presentes es el segundo de los tres espíritus (tras la visita de Jacob Marley y el fantasma de las Navidades Pasadas) que se le aparecen al avaro Ebenezer Scrooge, para que se arrepienta.

¿Cómo era Ebenezer Scrooge?

Scrooge es un anciano avaro y explotador que, en el relato, es visitado por el fantasma de su antiguo socio, Jacob Marley, y luego por los fantasmas de la Navidad pasada, presente y futura.

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What is Scrooge&Marley?

Scrooge & Marley is a modern variation on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Recounted from a gay sensibility with heart, comedy & music, the magic of Dickens’ timeless tale of a man’s redemption comes alive from a fresh perspective. A modern day variation on Charles Dickens’ classic story of the holidays, A Christmas Carol.

What happened to Scrooge and Marley’s business after the story ends?

These words of regret over conducting business as Scrooge and Marley did suggest a possible future for Scrooge himself. Given Scrooge’s change of heart at the end of the book, we can assume that the business of Scrooge and Marley changed accordingly after the events of the story.

Is Scrooge and Marley a counting-house firm?

In Ellen’s post, she examines the business terminology used by the firm and connects it to the business practices of the time. In particular, she identifies Scrooge and Marley as a “counting-house,” and concludes: […]

Does Scrooge have a friend?

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Add Yours. Scrooge and Marley are business partners and friends, as far as Scrooge could have a «friend». They made a lot of money together but remained emotionally isolated from others.

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