Quien escribio la obra literaria Sensatez y sentimientos?

¿Quién escribió la obra literaria Sensatez y sentimientos?

Jane AustenSense and Sensibility / Autora

Página de título de la primera edición de la novela. Sense and Sensibility, título original en inglés, también conocida como Sensatez y sentimientos, Juicio y sentimiento, Juicio y sensibilidad o Sentido y sensibilidad, es una novela de la escritora británica Jane Austen publicada en 1811.

¿Qué tipo de novela es Sensatez y sentimientos?

Novela rosaficción literaria
Sense and Sensibility/Géneros

What is the relationship between Edward and Elinor?

The sensible and friendly older brother of Fanny Dashwood and Robert Ferrars. Edward develops a close relationship with Elinor while staying at Norland and ultimately marries her, after he is freed from a four-year secret engagement to Lucy Steele.

What were Brandon and Elinor actually talking about?

However, what Elinor and Brandon were actually talking about was Edward. Having learned that Edward had been disinherited by his mother, Brandon decided to give him… (full context) …asked her not to spread the news, until she had a chance to write to Edward. Mrs.

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What did John Caution Elinor not to talk about with Fanny?

John cautioned Elinor not to speak of Edward with Fanny, as it would upset her. (full context) …Mrs. Ferrars was unaware of the recent news and said that he thought she and Edward would reconcile when he married Lucy. He said that Mrs. Ferrars was “one of the… (full context)

How does Marianne feel about Elinor’s reaction to Edward’s engagement?

…felt sorry for Elinor, but Elinor assured her that she was no longer sad over Edward and had come to peace with his marrying Lucy. Marianne was amazed at the ease… (full context) …visit, and described how Mrs. Ferrars suffered and was “in agony” when she heard of Edward’s engagement.

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