Quien es William Campbell?

¿Quién es William Campbell?

William Campbell, originario de Québec, pertenecía al ejército canadiense a finales de los cincuenta, cuando fue destinado a Belfast (Irlanda). Allí se casó y tuvo un hijo, William Campbell (1961) que hoy es uno de los más prestigiosos compositores irlandeses.

¿Quién se ha muerto de los Beatles?

Lennon sería asesinado, por Mark David Chapman, a las afueras de su casa de Nueva York en 1980, y Harrison fallecería de cáncer en 2001. McCartney y Starr, los dos miembros sobrevivientes, aún permanecen musicalmente activos.

¿Cómo se llama la esposa de Paul McCartney?

Nancy Shevellm. 2011
Heather Millsm. 2002–2008Linda McCartneym. 1969–1998
Paul McCartney/Cónyuge

¿Cómo murió uno de los Beatles?

Una inexpresable tragedia nos fue confirmada por ABC News en la ciudad de Nueva York: John Lennon, afuera de su edificio apartamental en el West Side de Nueva York, el más famoso, quizá, de The Beatles, fue disparado dos veces en la espalda, llevado rápidamente al Roosevelt Hospital, y muerto al llegar.

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How old is William Campbell?

Jump to: Overview (3) | Mini Bio (1) | Spouse (3) | Trivia (15) William Campbell was born on October 30, 1923 in Newark, New Jersey, USA. He was an actor, known for The High and the Mighty (1954), Star Trek (1966) and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993).

Who was William Campbell in the Battle of Kings Mountain?

Soldier, Commander Battle of Kings Mountain. General William Campbell was born in 1745 in Augusta County, Virginia. Following his fathers death, he moved with his mother and four sisters to the Holston Valley of Virginia where they established the family home called Aspenvale south of present day Marion, Virginia.

What happened to William Campbell of Rocky Mills?

Retiring to Rocky Mills, the Hanover County residence of his wife’s half brother, William Campbell died there on 22 August 1781, apparently of a heart attack, and was buried in Hanover County. In August 1832 his body was moved to the family graveyard at Aspenvale in Smyth County. The assembly named a new county for him in November 1781.

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What did Colonel John Campbell do in the Revolutionary War?

Campbell was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 10th Regiment of Virginia militia that same year and was promoted to colonel three years later. As a local militia commander he fought to maintain peace on the Virginia frontier, ruthlessly suppressing British Loyalists and paying little attention to their civil liberties.

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