Que tipo de auto era el General Lee?

¿Qué tipo de auto era el General Lee?

Un Dodge Charger en el condado de Hazzard De 1979 a 1985 se transmitió en televisión la serie Los Dukes de Hazzard. En esta los primos Luke y Bo Duke escapan constantemente de del Sheriff Rosco y los hombres del Jefe Hogg en su Dodge Charger 69, apodado General Lee en honor al General de la Guerra Civil Robert E. Lee.

¿Qué carro era el de los Duke de casa?

Dodge Charger 1969
Tras su debut en el programa de televisión a finales de la década de 1970, este auto, que toma como base a un Dodge Charger 1969, rápidamente se hizo popular debido a la decoración de la carrocería y a las persecuciones de cada capítulo.

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¿Quién manejaba al General Lee?

Coltrane, los primos Duke se caracterizan por conducir un Dodge Charger 1969 conocido como General Lee.

What kind of car did Daisy Duke drive in reunion?

In the 1997 Reunion movie, Daisy says her mother died when she was born Daisy would frequently become involved in the Dukes’ car chases, using one of her cars, including the 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner or the 1980 Jeep CJ-7 «Golden Eagle» christened «Dixie» Daisy also worked as a server at the Boar’s Nest, the local bar owned by Boss Hogg.

Is Daisy from the Dukes of Hazzard real?

Daisy Mae Duke is a fictional character, played by Catherine Bach, from the American television series The Dukes of Hazzard. She was the cousin of Bo and Luke, the main protagonists of the show, who were themselves cousins to each other. In the 1997 Reunion movie, Daisy says her mother died when she was born

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What kind of car is Dixie from Dukes of Hazzard?

Daisy would frequently become involved in the Dukes’ car chases, using one of her cars, including the 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner or the 1980 Jeep CJ-7 «Golden Eagle» christened «Dixie» Daisy also worked as a server at the Boar’s Nest , the local bar owned by Boss Hogg .

Is Daisy Mae Duke related to Bo and Luke?

Daisy Mae Duke is a fictional character, played by Catherine Bach, from the American television series The Dukes of Hazzard. She was the cousin of Bo and Luke, the main protagonists of the show, who were themselves cousins to each other.

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