Que significa la Fender?

¿Qué significa la Fender?

Qué es, concepto o significado Es un termino es de uso anticuado, la definición de fender en rajar, cortar, abrir, seccionar, quebrantar y horadar cualquier cuerpo sólido sin fraccionar de todo. Cortar, ensartar, introducir o atravesar un fluido.

¿Cuál fue el primer modelo de Fender?

Fender creó la primera guitarra eléctrica de cuerpo sólido de venta masiva, la Telecaster (originalmente llamada ‘Broadcaster’; ‘Esquire’ es el modelo original con una sola pastilla), el primer bajo de producción masiva, el Precision Bass o ‘P-Bass’, y la mundialmente conocida Stratocaster o Strat.

¿Cómo se escribe Fender?


With high quality, our fender is unbreakable and anti-shrinkage. Con alta calidad, nuestro guardabarros es irrompible y anti-encogimiento.
With high quality, our fender is unbreakable and anti-shrinkage. Con alta calidad, nuestra defensa es irrompible y anti-contracción.

¿Quién creó Fender?

Leo FenderFender Musical Instruments Corporation / Fundador

Fundador de la Compañía de instrumentos Fender e inventor de la Fender Telecaster, la Fender Stratocaster, el bajo Fender Precision (el primer bajo eléctrico), entre otros. Leo Fender nació el 10 de agosto de 1909 en Anaheim, California. Era un entusiasta de la electrónica y la reparación de radios.

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¿Qué es un Fender Bender?

Traducción de «fender bender» en español. Es algo más que un golpecito.

What is a pre-CBS Fender?

It is the infamous year in which the management of Fender sold their ownership to the CBS Corporation. Because of this, Fender guitars and basses made before 1965 are collectively known as pre-CBS Fenders.

When did Fender become CBS Fender?

It was in 1965 that management of Fender transferred to the CBS corporation who had purchased the company from Leo Fender for 13 million dollars (that’s two million more than they paid for the New York Yankees the year before). Fender guitars and basses from before 1965 are collectively referred to as Pre-CBS Fenders,…

What year is considered pre-CBS?

1965 is considered to be Pre CBS, even though the paperwork was signed in January ’65. From many interviews I’ve read from people who were working there at Fender from ’64 on, nothing much changed until the end of ’65. So much back stock and parts were sitting around that 1965 is considered Pre CBS.

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How do you identify a Fender CBS-era guitar?

Guitars from this era can be identified by their use of a serial number beginning with an L. The stretch from about 1966 until the early ‘80s is considered the true CBS-era and the low-point of Fender quality.

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