Que pasa si prestas tu auto?

¿Qué pasa si prestas tu auto?

Si la transmisión es manual, fácilmente puede desgastar el pedal del embrague por un uso incorrecto. Si no es cuidadoso al momento de meter las velocidades, la caja de cambios puede averiarse. Otro problema común es caer en un bache o golpear la parte inferior del auto por brincarse un tope.

¿Qué pasa si choco un auto que no es mío?

Segundo, si el conductor de su auto no es el culpable del accidente, lo más probable es que no tendrá que preocuparse de que su seguro sea afectado. Normalmente el seguro de la persona culpable pagará por el daño a su auto y por los gastos médicos del conductor.

What happens to my State Farm Insurance if I get a DUI?

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If you have a preferred policy with State Farm Mutual Insurance Co. and receive a DUI, State Farm will likely move you into State Farm Fire & Casualty, which is its standard-policy company for riskier drivers and higher rates. Will I end up in my state’s high-risk pool?

Will a DUI affect my car insurance?

Although a DUI may remain on your criminal record for the rest of your life, insurance companies will usually only see what’s on your state’s department of motor vehicle (DMV) record. When your DUI is eventually cleared from your DMV record, you will once again be able to get cheaper car insurance.

Will my insurance company forgive a DUI conviction?

Some car insurance companies will forgive your first at-fault car accident, but none will ignore a DUI conviction. But again, insurers vary widely in how much they’re going to penalize you.

How do I find the best car insurance company after a DUI?

To find the best car insurance company after a DUI, you need to shop around and compare rates. Even with a serious ding on your record, you can save money, because no two car insurance companies will charge the same amount for a policy.

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