Que le paso a Lyman?

¿Qué le pasó a Lyman?

Excepto por un corto período durante las Primarias de 2006, Donna ha sido la secretaria de Josh durante toda la serie. La noche en que Bartlet ganó las primarias de Illinois, el padre de Josh, el respetado abogado neoyorquino Noah Lyman, murió a causa de una embolia pulmonar.

¿Cómo se llama el perro que está con Garfield?

Garfield vive la vida en sus términos, que incluyen burlarse de su dueño y atormentar a Odie, el perro.

¿Quién es Lyman en Garfield?

Lyman: Amigo de Jon que vivió durante algún tiempo con él, y dueño original de Odie. Desapareció de la historieta en 1983, suceso que nunca se explicó totalmente. Su última aparición en la tira era un cameo en el tablero del logotipo para la tira del domingo publicada el 19 de junio de 1988.

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Who is Lyman in Garfield?

Garfield Lyman was one of the main characters in the Garfield comic strip. He was a friend and roommate of Jon Arbuckle and the original owner of Odie. The comic strip had Lyman as one of four main characters, alongside Garfield, Jon and Odie.

When was Lyman removed from the Garfield comic strip?

The comic strip had Lyman as one of four main characters, alongside Garfield, Jon and Odie. The main cast was reduced to three when Lyman was removed from the strip by Jim Davis in 1983. He first appeared on August 7, 1978.

Who is Lyman from Odie the explorer?

He was a friend and roommate of Jon Arbuckle and the original owner of Odie. The comic strip had Lyman as one of four main characters, alongside Garfield, Jon and Odie.

Who are the main characters in the Garfield comic strip?

Jon Arbuckle. Odie. Garfield. Lyman was one of the main characters in the Garfield comic strip. He was a friend and roommate of Jon Arbuckle and the original owner of Odie. The comic strip had Lyman as one of four main characters, alongside Garfield, Jon and Odie.

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