Que le ha pasado a Selena Gomez?

¿Qué le ha pasado a Selena Gómez?

Hace unos meses Gomez habló en el programa de entrevistas de Miley Cyrus sobre su diagnóstico de trastorno bipolar: “Fui a uno de los mejores psiquiátricos, McLean Hospital (Massachusetts, Estados Unidos), y me di cuenta de que, después de años de pasar por muchas cosas diferentes, esto es un trastorno bipolar”.

¿Quién es la asistente de Selena Gómez?

Yolanda Saldívar
Información personal
Nacimiento 19 de septiembre de 1960 (61 años) San Antonio, Texas, Estados Unidos
Nacionalidad Estadounidense

¿Cómo ponerse en contacto con Selena Gómez?

La manera más fácil de enviarle una nota escrita a Selena Gomez es a través de sus páginas en las redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Selena. Twitter: https://twitter.com/selenagomez.

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¿Cuál es el Instagram oficial de Selena Gómez?

Selena Gomez. (Instagram/Selena Gomez.) Hace cuatro años Selena Gomez era considerada la ‘reina de Instagram’ por ser la persona con más seguidores en la plataforma.

¿Cuántos seguidores tiene Selena Gómez en Instagram 2021?

6. Selena Gomez. La cantante de ascendencia mexicana también retrocedió del puesto número 5 al 6. Con 263 millones de seguidores, Selena sigue siendo una de las personalidades más queridas del mundo y que ha impactado de manera positiva.

Why is Selena Gomez the most followed person on Instagram?

1) She is safe 2) She knows lots of other famous people so it be like following them all (my logic) 3) I remembered her from Disney, which I watched in funny cuts from youtube only 4) I liked a couple of her songs from radio 5) She doesn’t post often so it won’t be cluttered

How does Selena Gomez have so many Instagram followers?

She has the outer look.

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  • She’s marketable
  • She has support and backing of record labels$$$
  • She has backing of marketing companies$$$
  • She has backing of corporations and brands$$$
  • She has support of music industry connections$$$
  • She has other people who do work behind the scenes$$$
  • She has the product which is promoted by the mainsteam$$$
  • Is Selena Gomez still in love with Justin Bieber?

    That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have an opinion on it. Selena Gomez formally closed the chapter on her Justin Bieber heartbreak a year ago when she released her songs «Lose You to Love Me» and «Look at Her Now.» Now, she’s dating other people and has long healed and moved on from her and Justin’s nearly 10-year on-off relationship.

    Does Selena Gomez Like Girls?

    The Disney actress turned popstar famously dated Justin Bieber, is a regular fixture in Taylor Swift’s elusive girl squad and there is a TV series based around her life currently in production. She has the highest social media presence – even beating the selfie-kween Kardashian sisters- with the most Instagram followers.

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