Que exige la comunidad LGBT?

¿Qué exige la comunidad LGBT?

Reconocimiento de la familia homoparental. Leyes contra la discriminación, que incluyan como categorías protegidas la orientación sexual, la identidad de género y/o expresión de género (en particular en el lugar de trabajo, el acceso a los bienes y servicios, la vivienda y la atención de la salud).

¿Quién descubrio la comunidad LGBT?

Halperin comienza su artículo afirmando, polémicamente, que en 1892 Charles Gilbert Chaddock inventó la homosexualidad.

¿Cuáles son los objetivos de la diversidad?

Promover el reconocimiento y la revaloración de la diversidad cultural como un patrimonio común de México y de la humanidad. Contribuir para que los diferentes grupos sociales conozcan y ejerzan plenamente sus derechos constitucionales, humanos, económicos, políticos, sociales, lingüísticos y culturales.

What is the history of LGBT rights in Houston?

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In 1975, the Houston GLBT Political Caucus, the oldest southern LGBT rights organization is founded. In 1979, Houston Gay Pride Parade was first held in Neartown, Houston. The Texas Democratic Party added certain LGBT rights to the party’s platform in 1980. The 1984 federal Supreme Court decision in Gay Student Services v.

When did Texas Democratic Party add LGBT rights to its platform?

The Texas Democratic Party added certain LGBT rights to the party’s platform in 1980. The 1984 federal Supreme Court decision in Gay Student Services v. Texas A&M University upheld the requirement for public universities to uphold the First Amendment rights of students. In 1986, Baker v.

What did the Supreme Court say about gay rights in Texas?

The Supreme Court struck down a Texas law outlawing consensual, adult homosexual sex. The Court found that it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. United States v. Windsor (Decided June 26, 2013)

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What is the law about LGBTQ rights?

These include same-sex marriage, gender marker changes, and discrimination. There are two important pieces that make up the law about LGBTQ rights. One piece is the statutes, which are the written laws that make up the United States Code. The other piece is the rulings by courts that say what these statutes mean and who they apply to.

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