Que efectos tiene el Anavar?

¿Qué efectos tiene el Anavar?

La oxandrolona y los medicamentos similares pueden ocasionar daño al hígado o al bazo (un pequeño órgano justo debajo de las costillas) y tumores en el hígado.Si experimenta alguno de los síntomas siguientes, llame a su médico inmediatamente: malestar estomacal, cansancio extremo, moretones o sangrado inusuales, falta …

¿Qué es el Anavar y para qué sirve?

Oxandrolone es un esteroide «anabólico» que promueve el crecimiento del tejido muscular. Oxandrolone se usa para ayudarle a recuperar el peso perdido después de una cirugía, un trauma severo o infecciones crónicas.

Is Anavar illegal to buy in the USA?

The simple answer is that anavar (often referred to as var or oxandrolone) is a steroid and therefore it is NOT legal to use in the US, despite the fact that it is quite a mild steroid. However if you have seen a doctor and have been prescribed anavar to treat a specific medical condition, such as a muscle disease, for instance, then yes you can of course buy anavar and use it for its intended purpose.

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Is Anavar safe or dangerous?

Pros and Cons of Anavar. Anavar has been around since 1964. It was bought out by Pfizer in 2003. Since then, it has seen a popular reemergence and has been termed the “safest” steroid available. Unfortunately, this is dangerous and brings confusion to the masses whom misleadingly supplement with this compound.

How is Anavar considered «safe»?

It’s an oral steroid

  • It’s suitable for men and women
  • It has very weak side effects
  • Why is Anavar so expensive?

    Great Muscle Builder. Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a very powerful muscle builder steroid that has been proven to be very helpful during the cutting cycles since it helps to burn body

  • Great For Fat Loss.
  • Oral Steroid.
  • Quite Harsh.
  • Not as Friendly for Women.
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