Donde ver White Collar Argentina?

¿Dónde ver White Collar Argentina?

¡Cómo ver White Collar: Estafa y crimen cuello blanco: Season 6 (2014) en Netflix Argentina!

¿Cuántos capítulos tiene la Temporada 6 de White Collar?

White Collar
N.º de temporadas 6
N.º de episodios 81 (lista de episodios)
Productor(es) ejecutivo(s) Jeff Eastin

¿Cuántas temporadas son de cuello blanco?

6Ladrón de guante blanco / Cantidad de temporadas

¿Cuántos capítulos tiene la primera temporada de White Collar?

Anexo:Primera temporada de White Collar

Primera temporada de White Collar
Programa White Collar
Elenco Matt Bomer Tim DeKay Willie Garson Tiffani Thiessen Marsha Thomason Alexandra Daddario
País de origen Estados Unidos
N.º de episodios 14

¿Cuántos capítulos tiene la sexta temporada de cuello blanco?

Who is Mozzie in the con man?

Mozzie is a fellow con artist and friend of Neal Caffrey . Mozzie is an ally, confidant, and close friend to Neal and is the person who has the know-how to get information and get things done. He has deep connections in the criminal underworld and can get just about anything for Neal, from classified secrets to cutting edge technology.

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What happened to Mozzie after the explosion?

While he was able to escape Siegel once more, the fire of the explosion was not able to rid a computer inside the warehouse of all of it’s information, which contained each of Mozzie’s alliases. Only one name was recovered: Teddy Winters. When Neal confronted Mozzie on the new evidence, he at first believes it to be another alias.

What happened to Mozzie’s fractal?

The fractal that Mozzie constructed at the hospital. Mozzie was then rushed to the hospital, under the alias, Ivan Bliminse (an anagram for «invisible man»). Mozzie lived but was in a medically-induced coma. After sometime, Mozzie came out of his coma, but doesn’t remember who shot him, and therefore couldn’t identify Julian.

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