Donde se encuentra el enclave en Fallout 3?

¿Dónde se encuentra el enclave en Fallout 3?

Situada a las afueras de la Capital es accesible a través del Metro Presidencial. Las instalaciones de la base está alejada del resto del Enclave conectada a través viajes en los VB-02 Vertibirds y estaba defendida por los escuadrones de soldados y emplazamientos de artillería.

¿Qué es el GECK?

El Kit de Creación del Jardín del Edén (en inglés Garden of Eden Creation Kit) (G.E.C.K.) o Equipo de Creación del Jardín del Edén es un dispositivo creado por Future-Tec, una división de Industrias Vault-Tec que estaba destinado a revitalizar las zonas de un desierto post-nuclear.

What is Raven Rock in Fallout 76?

Raven Rock (known as Site R before the Great War) is the Enclave ‘s main base of operations in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. It is also a former American military base and fallout shelter built before the Great War.

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Can you go back to Raven Rock after the main quest?

After your complete the main quest you cannot go back into Raven Rock, so make sure you get that bobblehead while you are in there during the main quest. Also, you can fast travel back to Raven Rock every 3 days or so and kill 3 or so Enclave soldiers equipped with various armor and weapons depending on your level and game difficulty.

How do you get rid of Raven Rock in Destiny 2?

Raven Rock is eventually either destroyed by the Lone Wanderer after their invasion or by Liberty Prime during the two weeks after the activation of Project Purity if the Lone Wanderer did not previously destroy Raven Rock. Raven Rock has three levels, indicated by a number and a letter. Level three is the bottom and level one is the top.

Where is the enclave in Fallout 76?

— John Henry Eden Raven Rock (known as Site R before the Great War) is the Enclave ‘s main base of operations in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. It is also a former American military base and fallout shelter built before the Great War. It is the northwesternmost location found within the Capital Wasteland, in a mountainous region of Pennsylvania.

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