Donde se desarrollan los hechos del comic un perro salvaje?

¿Dónde se desarrollan los hechos del cómic un perro salvaje?

La llamada de la selva (libro)

La llamada de la selva
Tema(s) Fiebre del oro, bosque, Alaska y lobo
Ambientada en Canadá, Yukón, Alaska y Estados Unidos
Idioma Inglés
Título original The Call of the Wild

¿Dónde se desarrolla los hechos de Jack London?

Su obra fundamental se desarrolla en la frontera de Alaska, donde aún era posible vivir heroicamente bajo las férreas leyes de la naturaleza y del propio hombre librado a sus instintos casi salvajes.

What is the call of the wild by Jack London about?

by Jack London. The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated happy dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events leads to his serving as a sled dog in the Yukon during the 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush, in which sled dogs were bought at generous prices.

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What kind of book is the call of the wild?

The Call of the Wild. The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London, published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck.

What is the setting of the call of the wild?

The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London, published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California,…

Is the call of the wild in the public domain?

Book: The Call of the Wild Author: Jack London, 1876–1916 First published: 1903 The original book is in the public domain in the United States and in most, if not all, other countries as well.

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