Donde nacio y donde murio Edgar Degas?

¿Dónde nació y dónde murió Edgar Degas?

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar de Gas, más conocido como Edgar Degas (París, 19 de julio de 1834- París, 27 de septiembre de 1917), fue un pintor, escultor y grabador francés.

¿Qué famoso artista pinto bailarinas de ballet?

Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas supo captar como ningún otro la magia del mundo del ballet en sutiles y bellas escenas. Este 19 de julio se cumplen 175 años de su nacimiento. Sobre la vida de Edgar Degas (1834-1917) se sabe poco en comparación con otros artistas franceses.

What did Edgar Degas do to become famous?

When he was younger his family spelled their last name «de Gas».

  • His eyesight failed later in life making it difficult for him to paint with oils.
  • He very seldom considered a painting complete,always wanting to improve them.
  • He was never married.
  • His most famous sculpture is called The Little Fourteen Year Old Dancer.
  • What was Edgar Degas’ adult life like?

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    Edgar never married, but led a colourful life courting many women in his days. One of his famous affairs was with Mary Cassatt, who was also an intimate friend. Edgar died on 27 September 1917, in Paris, at the age of 83.

    What are Edgar Degas’ major accomplishments?

    He was primarily raised by his father as his mother died when he was 13.

  • The Bellelli Family is considered his early masterpiece. In 1855,at the age of 20,Degas joined the École des Beaux-Arts,an influential art school in Paris.
  • His greatest inspirations were Ingres and Delacroix.
  • Why did Edgar Degas paint so many ballerinas?

    Why does Edgar Degas paint ballerinas? To capture the physicality and discipline of the dancers, Degas demanded his models pose for hours at a time, enduring excruciating discomfort as they held their contorted positions. He wanted to capture his “little monkey girls,” as he called them, “cracking their joints” at the barre.

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