Cuando se usa may ejemplos?

¿Cuándo se usa may ejemplos?

May. Este modal verb se utiliza para expresar posibilidad y probabilidad. Ejemplos: She may pass the test = Ella podría aprobar el examen.

¿Cuándo se usa request en inglés?

Las requests son construcciones que se utilizan para pedir a alguien que haga algo por nosotros.

¿Cómo hacer un ofrecimiento en inglés?

Al hacer un ofrecimiento, le preguntamos a alguien si le gustaría recibir algo de nuestra parte o si desea que hagamos algo por él o ella….OTRAS EXPRESIONES

  1. How can I help you?
  2. How may I help you? (formal) = ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar?
  3. What can I do for you?
  4. Is there anything I can do for you?

¿Qué verbos usamos para dar una sugerencia?

LEER:   Que es una compra financiera?

Advice and Suggestions / Consejos y sugerencias: Usamos los verbos modales should para hacer sugerencias y dar consejos.

How do you use may in a sentence?

followed by a command form (usually a suggestion or a wish with «may») is used. For example, «May you have a pleasant stay» is perfectly ok. Note, in this case, the sentence is not a question. By the way, in «May it please the Queen…» directly above, such use of «may» is also the imperative, not a request per se, even if followed by one.

What are the modal verbs may and might?

First of all, the modal verbs may and might are used to express that something is possible, and they are used both in the present and future tenses.

How do you start a question with May?

to begin a question. However, in the imperative form, «may you…» followed by a command form (usually a suggestion or a wish with «may») is used. For example, «May you have a pleasant stay» is perfectly ok. Note, in this case, the sentence is not a question. By the way, in «May it please the Queen…»

LEER:   Que es el capital aportado?

What does May you Send Me the mean?

In the case of «May you please send me the…» you are asking if it is okay that the other person send you something. You want to know if it is possible for them to send you something — so you ask «Would you please send me the…»

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