Como se comen las medusas?

¿Cómo se comen las medusas?

Se come sólo la umbrela (la cabeza), que se deja secar hasta que toma un color amarillo traslúcido. Luego se corta en tiras, que se sirven en diferentes maceraciones y salsas. Algo muy conveniente, porque no tienen demasiado sabor.

¿Cuáles son las características fisicas de la medusa?

Las medusas tienen forma de campana o sombrilla. La zona aboral (el polo opuesto a la boca, véase simetría radial) es convexa y se denomina exumbrela y la zona oral, cóncava, subumbrela. De ésta cuelga el manubrio, en el extremo del cual se abre la boca.

¿Cómo funciona el sistema digestivo de las medusas?

El sistema digestivo se estructura en una boca, la cual es una apertura que da entrada de la comida a la cavidad gastrovascular, lugar donde las enzimas que genera las paredes estomacales van a descomponer el alimento.

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What are some interesting facts about Medusa?

Medusa Facts. Medusa is an ancient Greek mythological character known for her ability to turn one into stone if they looked at her (even by accident), and for her head of snakes (instead of hair) and winged human female form. Medusa was a Gorgon – one of three sisters with venomous snakes for hair and the ability to turn people to stone.

Is Medusa a real story?

The story of the real Medusa can, therefore, be seen as an allegorical retelling of the history of Bronze Age Greek religion. The Hellenic Greeks, embodied by Perseus, went to the shrines of a non-Greek goddess, the cave of Gorgons, and took the masks of the priestesses that symbolized the religion’s power as their own.

What is important about Medusa?

Medusa’s image was often used on talismans and shields as a way to ward off evil. Medusa is a well-known figure in Greek mythology who is perhaps most famous for her ability to turn men to stone and her hair made from snakes, which are often described as hissing entities with their own minds, rather than simple hair ornaments.

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What is one Fun fact about Medusa?

well for starters she used to be a beautiful lady

  • did Poseidon
  • turned into a gorgon
  • two sister gorgons
  • the only gorgon that can turn living things into stone
  • some myths (In specific places) Depict them with wings
  • her blood does weird things
  • depicted with snake hair
  • Sometimes depicted as a human with a snake body
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