Como llegar al campamento del legado?

¿Cómo llegar al campamento del legado?

El Campamento del Legado es la fortaleza del Legado Lanius, inaccesible durante la primera y la segunda etapa del juego, solo en la final. Puedes acceder si vas por libre (Servibot) con el Sr. House o con la RNC. También podrás entrar si vas con Legión de César en la batalla final.

¿Cuál fue el presidente más importante de la RNC?

Aaron Kimball
Aaron Kimball es el presidente de la RNC en 2281 al que tendremos que proteger o matar (depende de con que facción vayamos) cuando visite la Presa Hoover en Fallout: New Vegas.

¿Cómo llegar al campamento del legado en Fallout New Vegas?

What happened to the NCR after the war with the Legion?

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Firstly, both the NCR and the Legion suffered horrific casualties, with entire companies of NCR soldiers being killed outright, Legion deaths being of a presumably similar scale, and the many survivors being transformed into Marked men. Secondly, and more importantly, the Divide was rendered impassable, greatly hindering the NCR’s logistics.

What is the NCR-Legion War?

The NCR-Legion War is an ongoing military conflict in 2281 between the New California Republic and Caesar’s Legion . In 2274, President Aaron Kimball rose to prominence as the «Hero of the Mojave» by mitigating tribal threats to NCR citizens in the region.

What happened to the NCR in Fallout New Vegas?

The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. Under the Legion’s banner, civilization – unforgiving as it was – finally came to the Mojave Wasteland.

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Where did Caesar’s Legion take Ashton and Hopeville?

In 2277, Caesar’s Legion committed a significant force to capture the independent towns of Ashton and Hopeville near the state line of California and Nevada, recognizing that the area was a major supply line for the NCR’s efforts.

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