Como hacer un modelo 3D para Google Earth?

¿Cómo hacer un modelo 3D para Google Earth?

También puedes guardar estas imágenes para utilizarlas en otros lugares.

  1. Abre Google Earth Pro.
  2. En el panel izquierdo, selecciona Capas.
  3. Junto a «Base de datos principal», haz clic en la flecha hacia la derecha .
  4. Junto a «Edificios 3D», haz clic en la flecha hacia la derecha .

¿Cómo sacar un terreno de Google Earth?

  1. En tu computadora, abre Google Earth.
  2. Busca un lugar, o bien selecciona una ubicación en el globo terráqueo.
  3. En el lado izquierdo, haz clic en Medir.
  4. Haz clic en el mapa para establecer los puntos de medición.
  5. Para quitar un punto, haz clic en Deshacer.

How do I use Google Earth with SketchUp?

Within Google Earth, you can use Google Earth’s navigation tools to move around the area and see how your model looks on its intended site. Note: Instead of using SketchUp’s Preview in Google Earth feature, you can export a SketchUp model as a .kmz file.

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How to use geolocation in SketchUp?

When you geolocate your model with the Add Location tool, you can import terrain that enables you to create your model based on the site where you plan to build it (or just display it in Google Earth). Wherever you place your model on imported terrain in SketchUp determines the location of your model when you preview it in Google Earth.

How do I create a 3D model for Google Earth?

When you create a 3D model that you want to display in Google Earth, you can create your model in SketchUp so that your model looks its best in Google Earth. This section explains the SketchUp modeling techniques that work best with Google Earth.

How do I get Started with Google Earth?

You find several Google Earth tutorials for beginning and advanced users on Google Earth’s Learn page. You can also take a full tour of the Google Earth interface. On Google Earth’s Connect page, you find links to the Google Earth community, including its user forum, and newsletter. Add Location

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