Como conjugar rain en presente simple?

¿Cómo conjugar rain en presente simple?

  1. I am raining.
  2. you are raining.
  3. he is raining.
  4. we are raining.
  5. you are raining.
  6. they are raining.

¿Cómo conjugar rain?

Conjugación del verbo «to rain»

  1. Present. I. rain. rain. rains.
  2. Present continuous. I. am raining. you.
  3. Simple past. I. rained. you.
  4. Past continuous. I. was raining. you.
  5. Present perfect. I. have rained. you.
  6. Present perfect continuous. I. have been raining. you.
  7. Past perfect. I. had rained. you.
  8. Past perfect continuous. I. had been raining. you.

¿Cuál es el negativo de rain?

didn’t it rain? wasn’t it raining? hasn’t it rained? hasn’t it been raining?

¿Qué significa el verbo rain en inglés?

llover v. I drive with caution when it rains. Conduzco con cautela cuando llueve.

LEER:   Como tenir el pelo rizado sin danarlo?

¿Cómo se dice arrive en pasado simple?


Present Past
he/she arrives arrived
we arrive arrived
you arrive arrived
they arrive arrived

¿Cuál es el presente simple de wear?


I wear
you wear
he/she/it wears
we wear
you wear

¿Cuál es el presente perfecto de wear?

Present Perfect

I have worn
you have worn
he/she/it has worn
we have worn
you have worn

¿Cuál es el Past Perfect de Forget?

Past Perfect

I had forgotten / ingl. am. tb. forgot
he/she/it had forgotten / ingl. am. tb. forgot
we had forgotten / ingl. am. tb. forgot
you had forgotten / ingl. am. tb. forgot
they had forgotten / ingl. am. tb. forgot

¿Cómo se escribe rain?

rain [rained|rained] {verbo}

¿Cómo se conjuga el verbo Arrive?

I arrived.

  • you arrived.
  • he arrived.
  • we arrived.
  • you arrived.
  • they arrived.
  • ¿Cómo se escribe pasado simple en inglés?

    Verbos irregulares en inglés: cómo se forma el pasado

    Infinitivo Pasado simple Participio
    Give Gave Given
    Go Went Gone
    Have Had Had
    Hear Heard Heard
    LEER:   Cual es la temperatura en la parte superior del alto horno?

    ¿Cómo conjugar verbo Wear?

    Conjugación del verbo «to wear»

    1. Present. I. wear. wear. wears.
    2. Present continuous. I. am wearing. you. are wearing.
    3. Simple past. I. wore. you.
    4. Past continuous. I. was wearing. you.
    5. Present perfect. I. have worn. you.
    6. Present perfect continuous. I. have been wearing. you.
    7. Past perfect. I. had worn. you.
    8. Past perfect continuous. I. had been wearing. you.

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