Cuantos habitantes tiene Cachemira?

¿Cuántos habitantes tiene Cachemira?


Reclamado por Área Población
Pakistán Gilgit-Baltistán ~1 millones
Azad Cachemira ~2.6 millones
India Jammu ~3 millones
Ladakh ~250.000

¿Dónde queda la ciudad de Kashmiri?

La región de Cachemira, a los pies de la cordillera del Himalaya, se sitúa al norte del Subcontinente Indio, lindando con India, Pakistán y China.

¿Cuál es la situacion actual de Cachemira?

Parlamento indio ratifica fin de estatus especial de Cachemira 06.08.2019. La India y Pakistán se disputan Cachemira desde la partición del subcontinente en 1947, una región que además es escenario desde los años 90 de un movimiento insurgente de tintes separatistas.

What is the population of Jammu and Kashmir 2020?

Jammu and Kashmir population in 2020 is estimated to be 13.6 million (1.36 Crores). By end of year 2019 the population is projected to be 13,468,313 as per Unique Identification Aadhar India, updated dec 2019.

What is Jammu and Kashmir?

Jammu and Kashmir is a region administered by India as a union territory, and constituting the southern portion of the larger Kashmir region, which has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947, and between India and China since 1962.

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What is the Jammu&Kashmir Bank?

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank, which is listed as a NIFTY 500 conglomerate, is based in the union territory. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest recipients of grants from the central government annually.

Which religion has the highest population in Jammu and Kashmir?

The largest population religion wise is Muslim population accounts to 8.5 Million, followed by 3.5 Million by Hindus. The major ethnic groups living in Jammu and Kashmir are Kashmiri, Gujjari, Pahari, Dogra, Kargili, Balti and Ladakhi.

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