Como se escribe la palabra paz en portugues?

¿Cómo se escribe la palabra paz en portugues?


Albanés Paqe
Inglés Peace
Italiano Pace
Portugués Paz
Catalán Pau

¿Cómo se escribe la palabra paz en diferentes idiomas?

  1. Polaco: pokój.
  2. Portugués (Portugal, Brasil): Paz.
  3. Punjabi: ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ
  4. Rumano: pace.
  5. Ruso: мир
  6. Samoano: filemu.
  7. Gaélico escocés: sìth.
  8. Serbio: мир

¿Cómo se dice paz en Celta?

Celta: athir. Armenio: hayr. Tocario: pacar/pacer.

¿Dónde lleva tilde ritmo?

Las palabras agudas acabadas en ‘n’, ‘s’ o vocal llevan tilde.

What does pace mean in medical terms?

be age 55 or older

  • live in a PACE service area
  • be certified by your state (through Medicaid) as needing nursing home–level care
  • be able to continue living in the community safely with the help of PACE services
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    Which best defines the term pace?

    paced. a term used to describe the act from a person of small town status who blatantly and intentionally performs intimate and inappropriate sexual acts (preferably with a significant other of a friend or co-worker) while ensuring that the act is public knowledge for all to enjoy. «That bitch paced me and now I’ve got herpes».

    How to use «pace» in a sentence?

    – For example, “therefore” can be used to separate 2 clauses like, “California is a coastal state. – In some cases, you can also use “therefore” to start a sentence. For example, “June’s car broke down on her way to work. Therefore, she was late for the meeting.” – Remember that “therefore” needs to be ‘’between’’ 2 independent clauses, not after them.

    What does pace mean in English?

    “He means that he’ll help you move. Don’t get flustered over nothing. You’re still being threatened by the defendant, in other words you’re still his client. He’s just being responsible.”

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