Cuando decir Say y cuando tell?

¿Cuándo decir Say y cuando tell?

En general, to say equivale a decir en castellano, con la idea de transmitir unas pocas palabras, mientras que to tell se puede traducir tanto por decir (para expresar algo más largo que unas pocas palabras) como por contar. Y además, este último se emplea para dar órdenes e informar.

¿Cuándo se usa Says?

¿Cuándo usar Say?

  1. Say – Said something. / Decir – Dijo algo. The doctor said: – You have a cold. El doctor dijo: – Usted tiene gripa.
  2. Say – Said that… ( something). / Decir- Dijo que… (
  3. Say – Said something to someone. / Decir – Dijo algo a alguien.
  4. Something a person Says – Say. / Algo que una persona Dijo – Dice.
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¿Cómo se utiliza el Google Talk?

Talk se emplea cuando existen dos o más interlocutores que se comunican entre sí , utilizado para referirse a una conversación, un diálogo o un intercambio de opiniones, Se considera más informal que speak. Ejemplos: The elves talked together for hours – Los elfos hablaron durante horas.

¿Cómo es el pasado simple de Say?

I said. I did not say. Did I say? You said.

What is the difference between say Tell Tell and speak?

If you frequently confuse the words SAY, TELL, and SPEAK, you’re not alone – these are some of the most commonly confused English words! In this lesson, I’ll teach you the rules for the difference between say, tell, and speak. Tell means “to give information to a person” – so tell (present) and told (past) are always followed by a person.

What is the difference between speak with and talk to?

In the case of speak with (someone) and speak to (someone), you can also say talk to or talk with. However, you can’t use “talk” with languages:

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How do you use the word Tell in a sentence?

Tell means “to give information to a person ” – so tell (present) and told (past) are always followed by a person. Tell me about the movie. Did you like it? Peter, I told you not to eat any cookies before dinner! Did you tell Sam about what happened at school today? The police told us that the situation was under control.

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